Learn more about Cedar Oaks and the Cedar Oaks Guild!
Click here to check out a documentary about Cedar Oaks: The House that would not Die

Cedar Oaks Guild was formed in the summer of 2011. The name was officially changed from Oxford-Lafayette Historic Homes in April, 2013, upon the Guild’s request to the Mississippi Secretary of State. COG was formed by the merger of two of the original clubs that were responsible for saving Cedar Oaks from destruction in 1963. A third club, which was also involved, disbanded in 1963.
The Guild is very proud of its heritage from these three clubs which date back to 1948. It has taken elements and traditions from each of its predecessors to form its new identity. The Guild, however, is a different organization from any one of its predecessors. Not a book club or a study club, Cedar Oaks Guild is a working organization whose primary mission is the preservation, support, and promotion of Cedar Oaks.
Membership in the Guild is by invitation only and is limited to 50 members at any given time. We are very fortunate to number among our members a varied group of outstanding women who come from different places in the country, different professions, and different interests. We continue the example set for us by our predecessors who loved history and cared about preserving the cultural and architectural heritage of Oxford and Lafayette County.
Cedar Oaks Guild Board 2023
President: Keri Dibrell Archives/History: Laura Harper
Vice President: Keri Dibrell Docents/Education: Toni Paolillo
Recording Secretary: Abi Rayburn Hospitality: Tricia Copelin
Corresponding Secretary: Patti Rish
Treasurer: Lynne McIngvale Programs: Barbara Purdon
Newsletter Editor: Sharon Schreiber HPC Representative: Barbara Purdon
Member At Large: Anne Asger
Cedar Oaks Guild Membership Roster 2023:
Shellie Harrison, Claudia Gleason, Suzanne Atkins, Marianna Ochs, Marion Tutor, Susan Laney, Cindy Johnson, Peggie Roder, Robin Buchannon, Sharon Hawkins, Lisa Martin, Laura Harper, Laurie Triplette, Carla Johnson, Reba Greer, Martha Huckins, Beth Ducrest, Claire Dickerson, Linda Noonan, Emily Holmes, Karen Travillo, Marcia Cartwright, Mary McLane, Shelia Roberts, Sally Worsham
Emeritus: Janie Rozier, Douglas Vance, Dianne Ferguson, Carolyn Lott, Betty Bridge, Connie Lilly, Ann Proffer, Emmie Lou Brunson, Marilyn Taylor